Intelligent. Elegant. Clean.
Soap is for cleaning, so let's keep it clean. And dry. And why not keep our shower shelves, tubs, and sink counters clean as well? And if it can be done with style and elegance, great! Click here to see all of Soapseat's features and benefits.
Again. Soap is for cleaning. So let's stop making a mess with it. Not to mention the waste. And time. And hassle. Won't it be so nice to dump all of your soap into your dispenser and forget about it for 6 months to a year? No funnels. No mess. No problem. Click here to see all of Soaptainer's features and benefits.

How We Got Started
As a self employed designer/builder/remodeler for over 20 years Krevare's founder, Keith Barclay has seen many products come and go, but there are a few products he had hoped to see that had never come. When the timing seemed right Keith decided to develop them on his own and he created a new company that would focus on highly functional products that fill needs not addressed by any other company. Using his skills in problem solving, designing, and building that he heavily relied on as a builder he hit the drawing board and shop to develop proof of concept prototypes. Proving his ideas worked turned out to be the easy part and designing them to be beautiful and manufacturable became the challenge. "Along the way in designing products you are faced with choices that ultimately affect the final quality and cost like materials and manufacturing processes. We are happy to say that although we could have, we didn't skimp on anything. We chose materials that will stand the test of time so consumers can get the most value out of our products." - Keith Barclay, President, Krevare LLC.
"It may seem strange to spend so much time and money designing a new soap dish, but really after a thousand years no one has gotten it right. People spend a lot of money on their bathrooms so why should they settle for a cheap ugly soap-saver to keep their soap from becoming a soggy mess? Inevitably these soap-savers get just as gross as the soap itself. All the designer soap dishes fill with water, or rust, or break easily and are difficult to clean. I was tired of throwing away fifteen dollar soap dishes every six months only to get another one that couldn't do the job either." - Keith Barclay, Krevare LLC
"When you come home from work and every two weeks there's a soap jug on the counter you can't help but think, Honey you need to fill the soap dispenser again. So after 20 years of this with no good solution I decided it was time for the only consumer product to solve this problem. Now Laura buys a nine dollar gallon of liquid soap from the big box store and fills our dispenser up herself. Wow that was easy!" - Keith Barclay, Krevare LLC